AO-21 and RUDAK-2 are switched ON!!!!! ------------------------------------ The RUDAK-2 Beacon and CW-Beacon of RM-1 are surprisingly switched ON on 22 Feb 91 around 21:40 utc. The RUDAK beacon on 145.983 MHz has a very strong signal and is currently transmitting 400 bit/s PSK Telemetry AO-13 format. Tomorrow morning the RUDAK commandstations will start loading the IPS and operating software. The RUDAK beacon will than switched to 1200 bit/s PSK AX.25 format (like FO-20, PACSAT, etc.) transmitting telemetry and little message blocks. After some check-outs, more software will be loaded and the ROBOT and RUDAK BBS System will be enabled... The AO-21 CW beacon on 145.822 MHz is also ON and transmitting CW telemetry. Telemetry reports please to RK3KP @RK3KP or DB2OS @DK0MAV. 73s de Peter DB2OS AMSAT-DL/RUDAK-Group